West Point Mama and I stayed in contact after our Craigslist transaction. One Fine Day I received an email link from West...it's for a 10 week upholstery class, once a week 3 hours per nite..not including materials $95!!!!..SAY WHAT!! I am in it to win it..BUTTTTT it was over a month away and if enough people don't sign up its a no go..Sighhhh.
Fast forward 4+ weeks... class is Go..Yeahhh Buddie! I am excited, a little nervous, the project for the class is anything of your choosing.. Sadly the project I had lined up for the class I was NOT and am NOT in luv with. I am a hostage to my mode of transport, and had to pick a project that would fit in my vehicle, I had to be practical..what's gonna fit in my Camry yet get the most out of the class. Scouted n found a pair of side arm chairs fr the 70's speckled wood finish and all, caned backs that were broke beyond repair..this will have to do.
The Picture Above is the Only one I can find from the BEFORE'S.. I am horrible about remembering to take pics as you can see I am in my workspace and 99% has been torn down, you can see the remnants of the caning on the back and if you look at the left arm you can see the left over upholstery. Yup somethin lovely huh zig zag springs Greatttt and oh the best part was the "foam" that was under the fabric on the arms and the seat which were so disintegrated it was like Parmesan cheese flying everywhere.
I dislike these chairs,I'm just not "feelin" them. This is what I call "ITIS" (EYETIS) has hit me. Me no Luv u Brown Chairs! Not to mention the wood is considered "soft wood" so it dents and dings like a Mugg. Getting it in and out of my back seat requires a tricky positioning, never the less its taking a beating..then I had decided to paint the pair instead or re-staining. Painting had to be done b4 the upholstery yet my paint job is getting jacked up..Can't win for loosing.
The Picture Above is the Only one I can find from the BEFORE'S.. I am horrible about remembering to take pics as you can see I am in my workspace and 99% has been torn down, you can see the remnants of the caning on the back and if you look at the left arm you can see the left over upholstery. Yup somethin lovely huh zig zag springs Greatttt and oh the best part was the "foam" that was under the fabric on the arms and the seat which were so disintegrated it was like Parmesan cheese flying everywhere.
I dislike these chairs,I'm just not "feelin" them. This is what I call "ITIS" (EYETIS) has hit me. Me no Luv u Brown Chairs! Not to mention the wood is considered "soft wood" so it dents and dings like a Mugg. Getting it in and out of my back seat requires a tricky positioning, never the less its taking a beating..then I had decided to paint the pair instead or re-staining. Painting had to be done b4 the upholstery yet my paint job is getting jacked up..Can't win for loosing.
1st Class...there was suppose to be 15 of us 2 were No Shows. Our instructor "W" is self taught, has been upholstering since the 1970's and apparently has been offering these classes since the mid 80's..Where have i been?Why am I just finding out about him?? 1st class flew by didnt feel like 3 hours..We discussed pretty much what you would expect 1st day..the basic philosophy of upholstery, box store version of upholstery. General furniture structure, tools, terms and industry verbage used,tear down ect...
2nd Class..Everyone Brought in their "projects" as I watched each piece marched into the shop, I my heart sunk..beautiful classic pieces, the types of chairs that raise the hair on my arm and there were my Dud's. aka "The Dookie Chairs". West's Chair is exactly what I thought it would be great soft lines, wood casters, very feminine, and then of course the back story of how she and her hubby found it at a Flea Market in Paris and of course when she was stripped of her cloth the most fantasic Parisian Furniture Label that would fit in just perfect on Graphics Fairy. Yeah I had Chair Envy. Not only that but everyone for the exception of one family will have to re-web and re-spring and do things that I wont get to with my dookie Chairs..but that is ok bc I will get my education..I will place myself next to anyone doing something that I want to learn. No shame in my Game..
As Always....
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